Ladies and Gentlemens! We present you our next update:
- Blood Angels Commander Dante
- Chaos Terminator Lord 2006 with additional weapon
- Emperor’s Children Lucius the Eternal
- Night Lords Chaos Lord
- Night Lords Conversion Pack
- Chaos Tzeentch Sorcerer Lord with Spell Familiar
- Dogs of War Vespero (OOP)
- Mordheim Centigor (OOP)
- Skaven Arch-Warlock Ikit Claw
- Skaven Assassin with Claws
- Slaanesh Chaos Lord on Foot
- Lord of Slaanesh on Daemonic Mount
- Haazheel Thorn
- Knight of Justice Without Shield (Very Rare)
- D&D Collectors Series Purple Worm (OOP)
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