» » New miniatures + photos update!

New miniatures + photos update!

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promo171017Ladies and gentlemen. We present to your attention new miniatures:

  1. Classic Gretchin
  2. Classic Space Ork
  3. Necron Immortals 1997 (Old and Rare)
  4. Grot Shaman
  5. Ork Nobs(Alternative)

We are prepared a updates of our photos.


  1. Barbaretta
  2. Battle Brother Artemis
  3. Bounty hunter Very Rare
  4. Covenant
  5. Ghazghkull Thraka with Makari 1996
  6. Goff Rockers Rare OOP
  7. Inquisitors arcoflagellant
  8. Josef
  9. Severina & Sevora
  10. ‘Slick’ Devlan
  11. Witch Hunters Preacher with Sword

Also we added some “Miniature Parts”


  1. Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor 1-Skullz Limited Edition
  2. Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor 2-Skullz Limited Edition
  3. Assassin Rogue Trader (Old and Rare)
  4. Augustinus Raimond
  5. Be’lakor, Daemon Prince
  6. Callidus assassin
  7. Daemonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh
  8. Doctor Dufresne Rare
  9. Dominante Lycal(Eden)
  10. Eversor assassin
  11. Familiars of Earth
  12. Ghazghkull Thraka with Makari 1996
  13. Goff Rockers Rare OOP
  14. Great Unclean One 1997
  15. Grot Shaman
  16. Lycals(Eden)
  17. Meloda, Warrior-Queen of Mierce
  18. Necron Destoyer 1997 (Old and Rare)
  19. Necron Lord 1997 (Old and Rare)
  20. Red terror
  21. Saracens Efrit Warrior
  22. Sha Ren Zhe
  23. Steampunk Dorothy
  24. Vulture Demon


All photos were made by blackmarketminiatures team.