Ladies and gentlemen. We present to your attention new miniatures:
- Classic Gretchin
- Classic Space Ork
- Necron Immortals 1997 (Old and Rare)
- Grot Shaman
- Ork Nobs(Alternative)
We are prepared a updates of our photos.
- Barbaretta
- Battle Brother Artemis
- Bounty hunter Very Rare
- Covenant
- Ghazghkull Thraka with Makari 1996
- Goff Rockers Rare OOP
- Inquisitors arcoflagellant
- Josef
- Severina & Sevora
- ‘Slick’ Devlan
- Witch Hunters Preacher with Sword
Also we added some “Miniature Parts”
- Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor 1-Skullz Limited Edition
- Adeptus Mechanicus Servitor 2-Skullz Limited Edition
- Assassin Rogue Trader (Old and Rare)
- Augustinus Raimond
- Be’lakor, Daemon Prince
- Callidus assassin
- Daemonettes on Steeds of Slaanesh
- Doctor Dufresne Rare
- Dominante Lycal(Eden)
- Eversor assassin
- Familiars of Earth
- Ghazghkull Thraka with Makari 1996
- Goff Rockers Rare OOP
- Great Unclean One 1997
- Grot Shaman
- Lycals(Eden)
- Meloda, Warrior-Queen of Mierce
- Necron Destoyer 1997 (Old and Rare)
- Necron Lord 1997 (Old and Rare)
- Red terror
- Saracens Efrit Warrior
- Sha Ren Zhe
- Steampunk Dorothy
- Vulture Demon
All photos were made by blackmarketminiatures team.
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