Ladies and gentlemen. We present to your attention new miniatures:
We are prepared a updates of our photos.
- Eurynome — Demon Puppetier
- George Von Holbein
- Castellax BattleAutomata DarkfireCannon
- Armillus Dynat
- Nathaniel Garro
- Solar Auxilia Tactical Command
- Orks Juggernaut Mecha-Armour
- Nurgle Plague Toads
- Archaon, The lord of End Times 2006
- Be’lakor, Daemon Prince
- Gladiator
- Gold Smoke Knight
- Monk
- Necromancer
- Necromancer Variant
- Pinup Twilight WitchRanger
- Ringtail Vixen
- Ranger
- Samurai
- White knight
- Phaedrus Chirurge
- The Old Death
- Augustinus Raimond
- Belphegor (Andrea Miniatures)
All photos were made by blackmarketminiatures team.
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