Ladies and Gentlemen! We represent trash and dismembered miniatures!
1. 10,000 Pace Jailer
2. 25th Anniversary Space Marine
3. 3rd Highlander Greys
4. Aglanda Herald of Razmir (Reaper Miniatures)
5. Ainoa Limited Edition
6. Ammo SlaveAngron Primarch of the World Eaters
7. Ashoka
8. Asps
9. Astropath
10. Black Templars the Emperor`s Champion
11. Bör Dragonbane
12. Cadwe Assassins
13. Cadwe Ferrets
14. Chams Al Majid
15. Classic Valhallan Ice Warriors Alternative
16. Commander Kubrik Chenkov
17. Damned one of the Wrath
18. Damned Ones of Gluttony
19. Death Korps of Krieg Engineers with Mole Launcher
20. Death korps of Krieg Grenadiers melta & stubgun
21. Dexus
22. Disciple of the Witch – One
23. Doctor-Female
24. Doctor-Male
25. Dwarf Sigurt The Slash Scibor Miniatures
26. Engineer on Mechanical Steed
27. Ethereal With Equalizer
28. Ethereal With Honour Blade (Rare)
29. Ethereal with Simbols of Office (Rare Tau WH 40K)
30. Ethereal with Symbols of Office
31. Eurynome – Demon Puppetier
32. Familiars of Air
33. Familiars of Darkness
34. Familiars of Fire
35. Field Medic Classic
36. Fire Support Goblin
37. Fixer
38. George Von Holbein
39. Gideon Lorr
40. Goblin Guard
41. Governor’s Proxy (First Edition)
42. Grant (Hasslefree miniatures)
43. Grimaldus`s Retinue Servitor
44. Hamelin the Plagued 1 wave
45. Husaym Al Din
46. Jafar Al Efrit
47. Kais Fire Warrior (Limited Edition)
48. Kharn the betrayer 2004
49. Knight
50. Krieg Commisar Death Korps
51. Kroot Shaper Anghkor Prok (Limited Edition)
52. Kuan Yin
53. Kyran the Hunter
54. Legion Praetor Tribune in Tartaros Terminator Armor (Forge World Exclusive)
55. Legion Primus Medicae in Cathaphractii Terminator Armour (Forge World Exclusive)
56. Lexmechanic
57. Lion Knight 2nd
58. LLyad Oeil de Balor 2006 (Very Rare)
59. Lord of Pestilence
60. Lord of Pestilence with Weapon and Shield
61. Ludwig Schwarzhelm
62. Man Hunter
63. Marauder Warlord (kit)
64. Maria (Hasslefree miniatures)
65. Monk
66. Necromancer Variant
67. Necromunda Enforcer with Dog (Old and Very Rare) GW WH40K
68. Nightmare Ram
69. Nurses 2nd Edition
70. Oberst “Iron Hand” Straken
71. Order Weaponsmith
72. Orks Juggernaut Mecha-Armour
73. Panthera Femme Fatale
74. Pariah
75. Pinup Easter Twilight Knight
76. Pinup Great Game Hunter
77. Pinup Storm Armor
78. Plague Marines
79. Primaris Psyker
80. Privateer Godwin
81. Ranger
82. Role survivors
83. Samael, Warrior Angel
84. Scions of Kurgan Devastator
85. Scions of Kurgan Raggarth, the Reaper
86. Sea Dog Rifleman
87. Sienna Arcanic Thief
88. Steel Legion Lieutenant 2
89. Storm Knight
90. Syth Mornis
91. Thalos (Chainmail miniatures)
92. The Changeling
93. The Hand
94. The Mountain Man
95. Troll potion
96. Ultramarine Legions Herald (Forge World Exclusive)
97. Valkyries of Alahan 2
98. Valkyries of Alahan 3
99. Vindicare Assassin with Exitus Pistol
100. Vostroyan Firstborn Squad
101. Wyrdvane Psykers
102. Zaaxan
All photos were made by blackmarketminiatures team.
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