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- King
- White knight
- White knight heavy
- Necromancer boss
- Chosen
- Gold Smoke Knight
- Lord of Chaos with Hammer and Axe
- Dwarf Lord of Chaos
- Eldar Autarch
- Ahriman Old 1998
- Inquisitor Corteauz
- Assassin Rogue Trader (Old and Rare)
- Callidus assassin
- Eversor assassin
- Black Templars Emperor’s Champion Alternative (Old and Very Rare)
- Slaanesh Doomrider Upgrade set (Old and Rare)
- Female inquisitors with Power Sword (Old and Rare)
- Female inquisitor with Plazma Pistol (Old and Rare)
- Inquisition Acolyte Priest with Plasma Pistol
- Bulgryns/Ogryns
- Space Marine Scout with Needle Sniper Riffle 1998 (Old and Rare)
- Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour (Old and Rare)
- Champion of Chaos Undivided
- Be’lakor, Daemon Prince
- Champion of Khorne (Aspiring Deathbringer)
- Chaos Sorcerer on disc of Tzeench(Fatemaster)
- Nathaniel Garro
- Solar Auxilia Tactical Command
- Castellax BattleAutomata DarkfireCannon
- Phaedrus Chirurge
- Vulture Demon
- Dominante Lycal (Eden)
- Lycals (Eden)
- Inquisitors arcoflagellant Damien 1427
- Bounty hunter Very rare
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